Tuesday 8 March 2016

ICT Training for Primary & Secondary School 

With the evolving rate of Information Technology in our present world it is very necessary for the work force of every organization (be it Private or Government Sector) to be exposed to a computerized administrative environment. It is an established fact that major sectors of the world’s economy are already utilizing the capability of Information Technology equipment (the Computer) to improve their efficiency and productivity.

Investment in the development of education at the grass root level is a huge investment in the future of any Country, this is the major reason why all hands most be on desk to ensure that every personnel of Primary and Secondary Schools in Nigeria becomes Information Technology complaint (Computer Literate).
The importance of ICT training cannot be over emphasized. This is because the world is now a global village where every of human activities are computerized, this implies that the applicability of the computer system to the affaires and administration of the educational sector in Nigeria would be of great benefits to its human resources development and productivity. Below are some of the ways the computer can be of relevance to the administration of the Educational Sector:

1. The computer is the most effective machine for the storage of data and information at the least cost.
2. Information retrieval from the computer is almost at the speed of light, thus the computer is a machine that can enhance speed within any organization.
3. The use of the computer will offer a user a high level of precision in his/her job description.
4. Computer application saves actual and related cost. For instant wastage of stationeries due to errors is avoided because such errors can be corrected on the computer.
5. The computer system gives direct access to global information and the use of electronic mail to forward important documents.

ICT knowledge would really help Primary and Secondary Schools Teachers in Nigeria to have advance practical knowledge of the computer and to be able to access and navigate the global network (internet) on their own. This would enable them get updated information about their various duties. for more info please click on this linkhttp://www.strategicconsulting.com/

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